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10 Broker Conferences to attend in 2022
This year it feels more critical than ever for Brokers to have the opportunity to explore new technologies and strategies, network with other industry professionals and fully understand the changing health insurance landscape to grow their businesses in the new year. As a result, many of our favorite industry conferences are back with in-person events this year–offering an excellent opportunity to interact face-to-face. If you’re looking to boost your business this year, FormFire has compiled a list of the best conferences for Brokers to attend in 2022. Read More
Projected Health Care Trends for 2022 Open Enrollment
As a health insurance Broker, it can feel tempting to take a step back from day-to-day industry news and updates now that 2021 open enrollment has ended. Today more than ever; however, it is crucial to not lose your footing in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Read More
How to Help Groups Overcome Common Misconceptions About Working with a Health Insurance Broker
As a Health insurance Broker, your main goal is to help Groups find health care plans that fit each of their Employee's unique needs. Many Employers: however, aren’t fully aware of how working with a Broker will benefit them. In fact, because of a few common misconceptions about how insurance Brokers operate, some Groups hesitate to work with a professional Broker out of fear that they will end up paying too much for their policies or getting the wrong coverage. Read More
Marketing Tactics for Health Insurance Brokers
As a health insurance Broker, you understand the importance of developing relationships. When you foster real connections, you increase customer acquisition, improve retention and boost customer loyalty: all of which directly impact the success of your business. Read More