Let’s face it: Within the health insurance industry, it can be challenging to provide great customer experiences. Customer experience refers to how customers engage with your brand through every stage of the customer journey, from quoting to enrollment to ongoing management. According to a Zywave whitepaper, nearly one in four Employers are unsatisfied with their Broker’s current way of providing information, citing “The top reason employers left their Broker was because they did not provide the level of service expected.”
It’s critical for Brokers to focus on creating positive customer experiences to not only make their Groups happy but also to improve client retention and increase revenue. Here’s how leveraging digital tools like FormFire’s Quote Engine software can help improve customer experience.
Personalize Quotes
A Deloitte study found that people want personalized products and services tailored to them. Remember: Benefits packages aren’t one-size-fits-all. Every Group is different, so it’s important for Brokers to spend time getting to know their Groups to tailor their offerings. Ask your Groups about their budget and which benefits interest them most. You can then factor this information into available insurance plans to provide more relevant quotes that meet Groups’ exact individual needs.
Automate the Process
As a Broker, you need customers to complete health insurance forms and input the correct information. Except filling out forms is time-consuming. Plus, it’s easy to make mistakes. Automating the health insurance process can create less work and provide faster, more accurate results for your customers. Consider adding features like error checks and auto fill form fields as ways to improve customer experience.
Be Accessible
In today’s digital world of constant connectivity, customers expect convenience and around-the-clock service. According to an Accenture survey, 47 percent of respondents even said they want more online interactions with their insurers. Eliminate paperwork and digitize the health insurance process through online software, so customers can access their health plan information and interact with your broker agency 24/7.
Create a Cohesive Journey
Customer experience isn’t about a single interaction—it encompasses the entire customer journey. It’s important to create a seamless customer experience, so customers are satisfied at all stages of the health insurance process. After all, 3 in 4 customers expect a consistent experience, according to Salesforce. Rather than use multiple platforms, Brokers can create more consistent experiences using one all-inclusive platform for quoting, enrolling and ongoing management.
Improve Customer Experience
Brokers need to have the right tools in place to continue to meet Groups’ evolving expectations and improve customer experiences. FormFire offers Brokers an all-in-one digital platform that streamlines the health insurance process from quoting to enrollment to ongoing Group management. Our Quote Engine tool offers a better customer experience that can help Employers spend less time managing their group benefits and more time focusing on the core of their business. Contact FormFire today to learn more or request a free demo.