Managing your groups year-round can be a time-consuming duty as a Broker. Fortunately, group management doesn’t have to be complicated. FormFire’s software provides you with a suite of professional tools that can help you manage your groups from enrollment-to-enrollment.
Group Management During Open Enrollment
Guiding your groups through enrollment is already a time-consuming process, especially during the busy season, which is why FormFire provides you with tools that can make the process less stressful for both you and your groups. Once a group selects the products that will be offered, the individuals in that group still need to choose plans that best fits their individual needs. The FormFire system allows you to set up the various products so that group members can do their research. In FormFire’s online plan selection marketplace, employees can view multiple plans and lines of coverage in one place and see a breakdown of the benefits costs for each item, as well as information on deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, and more. The employees can then select their options, review the information, and sign online. Throughout this process, you can monitor the group’s progress. You’ll be able to see which employees have completed the selection process and which ones still need to finish. FormFire even lets you send out reminder emails to remind the people who aren’t quite done, whether they are still deciding between plan options or if that employee simply forget to complete the process. When everyone is set, FormFire can submit enrollment data electronically to any Carrier, or forms can be downloaded and sent outside of the system.
Group Management Outside of Open Enrollment
While you spend a lot of time working with your groups during open enrollment periods, Broker management doesn’t end there. The FormFire system gives you the tools you need to provide ongoing management and services outside of open enrollment. If an Employee has a Qualifying Life Event, our system allows you to quickly and easily manage any necessary changes. For example, if an Employee has a baby outside of open enrollment, FormFire allows the Employee to add that child on to the plan, and you will be able to move forward without having to sift through information for the entire group. Through FormFire, Brokers and HR managers can opt in to receive notifications and updated forms when an Employee has a Qualifying Life Event. From there, our system gives you the ability to securely update and send individual Employee’s forms to the appropriate Carrier, whether it’s to add a new member or remove a dependent who has aged out of his or her parents’ plan. Not only does this mean you won’t have to sort through each Employee form in the system, it also saves the Employee from having to fill out an additional form. Qualifying Life Events aren’t the only changes that may be needed outside of open enrollment. Name or address changes can pop up any time of the year, so our system lets you update these details when they arise. FormFire also gives you various Broker management tools to help you prepare for the upcoming Open Enrollment period ahead of time. Our Business Intelligence Reporting allows you to see which groups are renewing soon and which ones should renew soon. It also provides you with a health condition summary for each group, allowing you to quickly judge each group’s risk level. From there, you’ll be able to create a game plan for each group and determine options that can help them get better rates.
Get the Tools to Help You Manage Your Groups
It’s always a good time to evaluate software that can help you streamline your processes and take on more groups. FormFire gives Brokers a professional set of tools that they can use to manage their groups throughout the year. Request a demo of our software today to see how it can help you manage your groups.