The healthcare industry, particularly the insurance aspect, can be challenging for the everyday person to understand. Even Brokers and insurance agents can have a hard time translating the industry jargon into laymen’s terms. According to a study by UnitedHealthcare, only 9 percent of Americans said they understand basic health insurance terms. As a Broker, one of your primary responsibilities is to help your clients make informed healthcare decisions. That can be hard to do when your Groups don’t understand the difference between a premium and a deductible. Use this guide to help your clients understand basic healthcare terms in order to better meet their expectations. Click here to download the guide
Better Serve Your Clients with Insurance Technology
One of the easiest ways for Brokers to help clients understand health insurance coverage is by using insurance technology software. For example, FormFire’s real-time quoting software helps clients and prospects see side-by-side comparisons of different plans, the costs they can expect from each, and what their out-of-pocket maximum would be. Not only does this functionality deliver a better experience to your clients, but it also helps them to make more informed plan selections. Contact FormFire today to learn more or request a free demo.