We are excited to announce that our new look will be live in a few short weeks! Here’s an exclusive sneak peek at the sleek and user-friendly interface – that now has a similar look to our PricePing™ tool. The new look will be done in several releases. This first one focuses on the Administrative home page and Employee page where the lengthy columns have been condensed and decluttered. Underneath the client tab we have bundled the “select client,” “plan selection” and “enrollment menu” options so there is less moving around when completing a task and gathering information.
The employee page now has a streamlined workflow for when brokers are generating censuses, viewing and sending forms, setting notifications for the group and adjusting agency and account settings. We have been taking all requests and suggestions into consideration, and have been working hard to make FormFire the best it can be. Please continue to provide us with feedback! We love to hear it. Let us know what you think of the new look in the comments!
Get a Sneak Peak of FormFire’s New Look
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