These three trends are pointing to more September quoting than ever before.

1. Back-loaded Books of Business

Brokers and employers were quick to jump on carrier 12/1 renewals last year, a prudent move at the peak of market uncertainty. However, many brokers now have a back loaded book with more renewals than ever falling on this September.

2. The Death of “Sweetheart Deals”

Early indications point to carriers ending their 8-9% ‘sweetheart’ deals, with corrective double digit renewal increases (20-35% + in many markets). This has caused sticker shock to employers and brokers alike.

3. Group Choice

Employers and employees know choice exists, the foundation of PPACA campaigns. More product and funding choices are now readily available to groups. Even if groups stay put for another year, the need to confirm that position is necessary.

What This Means for You

Together these three factors place brokers in a position where they’re shopping nearly a year’s worth of business in six weeks because any employer will ask, when faced with a 35% increase, what are my choices?

FormFire can help.

This is a perfect opportunity for brokers to show value as a trusted advisor, consultant, and advocate. Be ready to respond to your customers concerns with, “I’ve taken a look at all the choices available and this is what I found.” FormFire can populate multiple carriers’ fully-insured quoting census and pivot, in step, to collect full medical history and even total household income for subsidy analysis. We can be the key in helping you surf the impending tsunami with confidence. Check out to learn more about FormFire’s flexible quoting platform.